The Siege of Pensacola, 1781. Spanish Covert Aid to American Rebels. Spanish Victory over British on the Gulf Coast Paves Way for America's Westward Expansion.
History's Greatest BattlesJanuary 24, 2025x
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The Siege of Pensacola, 1781. Spanish Covert Aid to American Rebels. Spanish Victory over British on the Gulf Coast Paves Way for America's Westward Expansion.

 Spain’s resounding victory at Pensacola delivered them West Florida and, with it, a decisive blow to British ambitions in the Americas. Coupled with their relentless campaigns across the Mississippi Valley and along the Gulf Coast, the Spaniards dismantled Britain’s claim to the sprawling frontier between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River, leaving British forces isolated and their colonial aspirations in tatters. This triumph not only redrew the map but ensured that Spain’s influence would loom large over the peace negotiations to come.

Pensacola, Northwestern Coast of Florida. March 10 - May 9, 1781.
 Spanish Forces: ~ 3,800 mixed nationality troops.
British Forces: ~ 1,000 mixed nationality troops.

Additional Reading and Episode Research:

  • LaFarelle, Lorenzo. Bernardo de Galvez, Hero of the American Revolution.
  • Rush, Nixon. The Battle of Pensacola.
  • Coker, Hazel. The Siege of Pensacola 1781 in Maps.
  • Caughey, John. Bernardo de Galvez in Louisiana, 1776-1783.

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