The Siege of Monte Cassino, 1944; WWII. Allied Road to Rome via Gustav Line. Mixed Force Inspires NATO Formation.
History's Greatest BattlesJanuary 23, 2025x
00:22:1315.33 MB

The Siege of Monte Cassino, 1944; WWII. Allied Road to Rome via Gustav Line. Mixed Force Inspires NATO Formation.

The Germans’ relentless occupation of Cassino turned the town into an unyielding bastion, anchoring the Gustav Line. This fortress, besieged by Allied forces in wave after wave of bitter combat, became the lynchpin of German resistance, halting the advance through Italy’s blood-soaked terrain and barring the road to the eternal city of Rome.

Monte Cassino. January 17 - May 22, 1944.
Allied Forces: ~ 300,000 Mixed Troops.
Nazi Forces: ~ 100,000 Troops.

Additional Reading and Episode Research:

  • Hart, Lidell. History of the Second World War.
  • Majdalany, Fred. the Battle of Cassino.
  • Bohmler, Rudolph. Monte Cassino: A German View
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